Life is certainly much sweeter when a sugary treat can be enjoyed. And splurging in moderation is generally okay, but obviously, too much sugar can be harmful for your health in a vast number of different ways.
Williamsbridge Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has a look at five of those ways that too much sugar can wreak havoc on your body.
1. Expect More Cavities
Starting with your oral health, even if you have normal brushing and flossing habits, sugar will chip away at your pearly whites. That’s because bacteria that live in your mouth and will feast on sugar, which produces acid and eats away at your teeth.
2. Fatigue
You might not equate sugar with fatigue, but after a short-term boost, your body will crash from the sugar high, leaving you drained and depleted of energy. This is because your pancreas releases insulin to tell your body to use the sugar as fuel to help lower your blood-sugar level, and that results in fatigue.
3. Concentration Issues
Caffeine helps with alertness, but sugar has the opposite effect. Studies have found that sugar intake will bring down your concentration levels and alertness for around an hour after eating or drinking something high in sugar.
4. A Down Feeling
Not counting sugar highs and crashes, you can have an overall depressed mood if you’re consuming too much sugar regularly. This is because the body has a harder time absorbing vitamin B when there is too much sugar in it. B vitamins have a big influence on your overall mood, so having a vitamin B deficiency can leave you feeling down.
5. Weight Gain
While you can gain weight from the other unhealthy ingredients in sugary products, the sugar itself can also lead you to put on some pounds. This process occurs when unused glucose is stored as fat in your cells after it is deposited there from your bloodstream.

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